Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Early step in sleeping sickness cure
Scientists have taken a tentative step towards
creating a cure for the most common form of
sleeping sickness.
The gambiense strain of the trypanosoma parasite is
resistant to proteins the immune system produces to
fight the infection.
Belgian researchers have developed a mutant
version of the protein, which early tests show can kill
a wide range of trypanosomes including gambiense.
The study was published in the journal Nature.
The gambiense strain causes more than 97% of
sleeping sickness cases in western and central Africa.
According to the World Health Organization, there
were 7,197 cases in 2012.
Parasite defences
The immune system produces apoL1 to try to attack
the parasite.
In the study, researchers from the Universite Libre de
Bruxelles outlined how gambiense evolved a three-
part defence mechanism against the protein apoL1.
ApoL1 is normally taken up by the trypanosoma
parasites, as it tricks the parasite into believing that
it is beneficial.
The protein then embeds itself into the walls of the
gut membrane, where it kills the parasite.
The parasite is spread by the tsetse fly
The first step in gambiense defence is they "create a
protein that stiffens the membranes against the
apoL1 protein," said Prof Etienne Pays, lead author of
the research. "This acts as a barrier."
The second stage is to make it more difficult for the
parasite to absorb the protein.
Finally, if the protein was to get through the other
barriers, gambiense is able to digest apoL1 quicker
than other forms of the parasite, so that it cannot be
absorbed by membranes.
Prof Pays said: "The crucial thing here is that apoL1 is
still there. It has not been absorbed. It can still be
used to kill the parasite."
This led Prof Pays and his team to develop a mutant
strain of apoL1. This not only kills gambiense, but "it
kills all African trypanosomes, pathogenic for
humans or for cattle".
But Prof Pays said the research was still in the early
"Needless to say, this is a promising discovery," he
"However, it remains to be seen if this apoL1 variant
could be used to treat sleeping sickness. In the blood,
this protein could be either unstable or toxic in itself,
so more work is needed to appreciate the potential of
this finding."
In 1998, the same group of researchers discovered
how rhodesiense, another strain of the parasite
trypanosome, resisted our defences.
Rhodesiense uses an anti-protein to disable apoL1 so
that we cannot fight against it.
Wendy Gibson, professor of protozoology at the
University of Bristol, who has been studying the
evolution of trypanosome said: "They've finally
solved the mystery of how the gambiense has been
fighting our defences. It is a meticulous piece of work."
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