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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

10 Important Points To Write A GreatBlog,website Post

Am getting weak! .I ll rush up this typing, but you need to Read Orderly to Understand it Clearly. Now This Tutorial as Some would Call it Article, Will Do You Guys Good to Write A valued tutorial to the public. 10 IMPORTANT POINTS TO WRITE A GREAT BLOG, Website POST Blogging has never been difficult for people, who love to write and share their personal thoughts, knowledge, and make others to share their opinion as well via blog commenting. However, on many occasions, it has been found that new bloggers especially, find it difficult to share their posts with a large section of blog post readers. This eventually discourages them at the initial stage itself, and some bloggers leave this so enticing online platform in the midst of everything, whereas,some stick to it and look for the ways to achieve what they actually desire for. For that reason, we all should appreciate their level of commitment and zeal to become a successful expert in their niche. In the world of bloggers, there are various reasons behind failure however, there are only a few of them behind success. In any work you do including blogging, success can only be accomplished by dedication, determination, and devotion towards your work. If you ever lack in any of the three must required skills, you will start to taste the downfall. Moreover, some people think that there is always a shortcut to success but they forget to remember that shortcuts can be effective for short run only, whereas, to survive and accomplish the main goal,you must have an impeccable plan for the long run. Apart from this, to be successful in the blogosphere,blog writers need to be creative, active, a great reader, tech savvy, a quick learner, adaptive in nature. The online platform is full of innumerable bloggers, who write and share their piece of writings on a daily basis, and most of those writings cover a common but hot topic (which is in trend). Therefore, your approach towards your blog posts must be creative, which can make it unique from others. Though, there are various things, which should be considered by the SEO content writers while writing a blog post, but this article talks about the 10 most crucial points to craft a blog post. If you will follow these points, your blog post will act as a magnet to pull people towards it from each and every direction. 1. Set you Aim: This is what your blog will revolve around. Decide if you want to share your personal thoughts or want to cover topics, which are of general interest. 2. Select a topic: Though a blogger can always write on any topic, but every blogger has a personal interest in some topics, for instance, let us assume you have a personal interest in the topic SEO, you would be well aware of the latest trends and techniques being used in SEO. So always begin with topics you have personal interest in, as this will make it easier for you to write and share, what you actually know, rather than that you might have come to know from friends of friends. 3. Catchy posts title: This is certainly the most crucial part of a blog post, as that is what attracts the user towards a post when they see it in an RSS reader or on search results. 4. The First line: This is what impresses the reader to read, once he moves past the post title. If your first or opening line is not impressive, the chances are high that the reader will either move on to another post or blog. 5. Say it in points: Most bloggers tend to write big articles detailing as much as they can, which often confuses the reader. It is always better to mention main facts or tips in point. This will make it easy for the reader to understand the entire post short. 6. Call to action: Driving your blog reader to perform some action on the blog post eventually leaves a good impression in his mind and helps you to make strong relationship with them. 7. Quality: Always re-check your blog post for grammatical errors, and you find any, fix them as soon as possible, even if you have already published the post. 8. Timing of the post:Follow the trend to write and publish your posts on time. For example recently Google released Penguin,the updated algorithm for its search engine, and if you are going to write about it after a year, it will neither be able to attract readers nor it will rank higher on Google. 9. Promotion: Once you have published you post, use innumerable ways available to promote it on search engines and make it reach the targeted audience. 10. Conversations: This is where the real action begins after you publish your post. Interact with readers who leave comments on it. This will help you to make people aware of knowledge and skills you possess in your niche. Once you start following all the above mentioned points, you will notice the surge in your blog posts readership, and how people enjoy engaging with your content. This will eventually increase your blog traffic and ranking in search results, and that is what every blogger or article writer aims for visit

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